Feng Shui: Living by the art of placement

By: Michael Perantonis 2023

"Feng Shui" Living by the art of placement 

The term translates to "wind-water" in English, and it is based on the belief that energy, or "Chi," flows through everything in the universe. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy that is centered on the art of placement, a system that is used to create harmonious and balanced environments that promote health, prosperity, and happiness.

Feng Shui includes arranging things and furniture in a precise way to produce good energy flow in a room, taking into consideration the direction of a structure, the surrounding landscape, and the placement of furniture and ornamental items. The purpose of Feng Shui is to create a setting that feels balanced and harmonious, as well as one that promotes the well-being of those who live in it.

In Feng Shui, there are five elements that are used to balance the energy in a space: water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. These elements are represented by colors, shapes, and materials. For example, water is associated with the color blue and the shape of a wavy line, while earth is associated with the color yellow and the shape of a square.

There are also certain areas of a space that are believed to be more important than others in Feng Shui. These areas are known as Bagua areas, and they are associated with different aspects of life such as health, wealth, and relationships. By placing certain objects and colors in these areas, it is believed that you can enhance the corresponding aspect of your life.

Bagua areas

These areas are a fundamental concept in Feng Shui, a traditional Chinese practice that aims to harmonize the environment with human energy. The Bagua areas are represented by an octagon-shaped map called the Bagua map, which is superimposed on the floor plan of a space. Each area is associated with a specific color, element, direction, and symbol.

How to use a bagua map if you live in an apartment: Align the bottom of the bagua map with your front entrance wall. Your front door will most likely be in the knowledge and self-cultivation area, career area, or helpful people area.

Here are the eight Bagua areas and their corresponding aspects of life:

Career: This area is located at the north of the Bagua map and represents your work and life purpose. The color associated with this area is black, and the element is water.

Knowledge: The northeast area of the Bagua map represents knowledge and wisdom. This area is associated with the color blue and the element earth.

Family: The east area of the Bagua map represents family and ancestral roots. The color associated with this area is green, and the element is wood.

Wealth: The southeast area of the Bagua map represents wealth and abundance. The color associated with this area is purple, and the element is wood.

Fame: The south area of the Bagua map represents fame and reputation. The color associated with this area is red, and the element is fire.

Love and Relationships: The southwest area of the Bagua map represents love, marriage, and relationships. The color associated with this area is pink, and the element is earth.

Creativity: The west area of the Bagua map represents creativity and children. The color associated with this area is white, and the element is metal.

Helpful People and Travel: The northwest area of the Bagua map represents helpful people and travel. The color associated with this area is gray, and the element is metal.

Stage your apartment according to Feng Shui, here are some tips to get you started:

Declutter: The first step in Feng Shui is to declutter and get rid of any unnecessary items in your apartment. This will help create a sense of space and allow energy to flow more freely.

Create a welcoming entrance: Your apartment entrance is an important area as it sets the tone for the rest of your space. Make sure it is well-lit, clean, and free of clutter. You can also add a plant or a welcome mat to make it more inviting.

Balance the elements: As mentioned earlier, there are five elements in Feng Shui - water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. Make sure to incorporate these elements into your space to create balance. For example, you can add plants for wood, a water feature for water, candles for fire, stones for earth, and metal accents for metal.

Place furniture mindfully: The placement of your furniture is important in Feng Shui. Avoid placing your sofa or bed directly facing the door as it can disrupt the energy flow. Instead, place them diagonally or with a solid wall behind them for support.

Create a focal point: A focal point is an area in your apartment that draws the eye and creates a sense of harmony. This can be a piece of artwork, a plant, or a piece of furniture. Make sure to highlight this area with good lighting and decorate it with colors and objects that you love.

Use color mindfully: Colors can have a significant impact on our mood and energy levels. In Feng Shui, each color represents an element and has a specific meaning. For example, red is associated with fire and passion, while blue represents water and calmness. Choose colors that make you feel good and incorporate them mindfully into your space.

Reposted to: https://heliogea.blogspot.com/

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